Committee Technology Policy

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to give a quick explanation of this committee's (and BMUN's) technology policy. Our committee will be a non tech committee, meaning you shouldn't be on your laptops or phones throughout committee. You're of course welcome to print out any research you think is relevant, and bring any written materials to conference. But because we are mostly expecting directives, we don't think there's any need for computers to type up long-winded resolutions. So please do bring plenty of paper and some pens/pencils.

In general, BMUN committees follow one of three technology policies: non tech, unmod tech, and full tech. Non tech committees like ours encourage delegates not to bring laptops and don't allow them in committee. Unmod tech committees allow laptops and phones in unmoderated caucuses, but only to type up solutions. Full tech committees (which are very rare at BMUN) allow the use of laptops throughout the conference, but also only to type up solutions. In general, BMUN frowns upon delegates accessing online resources or doing additional research during conference, as this puts delegates without access to a laptop at an unfair disadvantage. Our practice of varying the technology policy from committee to committee also may seem confusing, but we think it allows us to create the most effective debate and education environment for each committee. Hope this helps clear up any confusion!



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